Indonesian Fish Recipe
Fish are great source of protein and healthy fats
There are a lot of great Indonesian fish recipe, from traditional to modern cuisine. And fish is also the most important daily food of Indonesian people, because we lived on islands and if you live on the beach in Indonesia, there is every morning fresh fish on the beach that you can buy from the fisherman.
In Bali such as in Jimbaran, there is a lot of beach restaurant that offer fresh fish for your meal. You can choose which fish that you want and they make your fish meal ready. So, fresher than this is, is impossible.
Unfortunately, not every country very blessed with fresh fish on the beach. It’s ok to use frozen fish if you can’t find fresh one.
Healthy and nutritious food
You can also buy fresh fish on the market, they are usually fresh but you have to be careful to buy some, here are a few tips about the typical look of fresh fish. Look very good at the fish before you buy it.
What you need to know to choose a good and fresh fish:
Fish that has been around for a while have reddish flesh and the surface wouldn’t bounce back when you bump at it.
Smell the fish, fresh fish doesn’t have fishy smell.
Look very good at the fish: fresh fish have bright red gills, shiny and bright scales and they have excellent shiny eyes with black pupils and clear corneas. Rotten fish in contrary have blackish of gray gills and they have grayish and concave eyes.
To clean the fish:
Remove the gills and entrails.
Scale the fish and cut away the tail, fins and mouth.
Put the fish in the bucket and filled it with clean water and swish the fish until the fish is cleared of all blood.
To remove the fishy smell of fish, rub it with some lemon juice, vinegar or turmeric powder.

Mouthwatering Chinese crab
Indonesian Fish Recipe
Balinese Spiced Fish
A special and unique Indonesian Fish Recipe. This Recipe has a sweet and at the same time spicy taste. That is what makes this spicy fish very popular.
Grilled Fish
A popular and special fish recipe. You will find many of these recipes in traditional restaurants in Indonesia. Great in taste and it is not difficult to make.
Indonesian Fish Curry
As you have already known, Indonesia has a lot of curry recipe. This fish curry recipe is one of the delicious and tasteful curry recipes of Indonesia.
Shrimp Curry
Great variation of shrimp to make your eat table an appeal place for your family for a dinner.
Enjoy all these tasteful Indonesian Fish Recipes. When I have more time, I will certainly add more recipes in this collection.
Great and have fun with practicing these recipes.
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