Sambal Goreng Tempe Kering

Spiced crisp fried Tempe

Sambal Goreng Tempe Kering is very suitable to accompany nasi tumpeng, especially because of the sweet taste and the crisp; it makes this dish lovable for many people.

You can also use small and long potato chips instead Tempe if you want more practical and little time to cut the Tempe and bake them. It’s easy and not too much trouble. The taste is as delicious as you use Tempe.

Ingredients :

  • 300 gr Tempe or potato chips
  • 10 Red chilies, seeded and sliced diagonally, and dry fried
  • 2 onions, thin sliced, then dry fried
  • 5 cloves garlic, thin sliced, then dry fried
  • 100 gr palm sugar or brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp tamarind, make a tamarind water from it
  • salt
  • 1 inch fresh galangal
  • 2 Bay leaves
  • Vegetable oil to baked


  • Cube the Tempe in little small and long form, about 1x2 cm and deep fry until crisp and brown. Drain and set aside. You do the same process with red chilies, onions and garlic; all of them have to be crisp and brown. Set aside.
  • Heat the brown sugar in a pan until smelt, set on low heat. Add the galangal, bay leaves, salt and tamarind water. Continue cooking until the sauce is thickens.
  • Add Tempe or potato chips, onions, red chilies, and garlic. Stir until everything well mixed.
  • Ready to serve

For 15 persons.

Tips: You can storage it for a few weeks in the container and dry place.

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